Something happened to dads.

It wasn’t that long ago that dads used to work all day and hand an envelope of cash to his wife. Moms stayed home, took care of the kids, cooked and cleaned. Families had community.

The world has, thankfully, progressed from patriarchy to partnership.

There’s now direct deposit. Women are educated and contribute financially.

Despite positive cultural shifts, moms continue to carry the mental load for the household, kids are more depressed and anxious than ever, and communities are torn apart by geography and economic opportunity. Oh and the media doesn’t help by continuing to depict dads as dolts.

Being a dad right now is…well…complicated.

There’s one way to minimize all this complexity: cooking family dinner.

Hear me out.

I’ve talked to hundreds of dads about their dinner experience and 99% of them are NOT okay with being subservient to chicken tenders and buttered pasta.

I bet you remember a time when cooking and eating at home was the norm. There’d be one meal served, you’d eat as a family, no cell phones, have a conversation and carry about with your day.

Today, busy families opt-in for fast and convenient meals. With the click of a button, food is delivered to your doorstep. While convenience is great in a pinch, subscribing to premium food prices only stuffs the pockets of delivery companies and fast food chains.

Family dinners are disconnected.

They don’t provide the physical and emotional nourishment needed to help a family thrive and connect.

Guess what? Cooking is the highest-leveraged skill YOU can possess to turn things around.

Think about it.

Less stress on your marriage? Check.

Kids experiencing their dad in three-dimensions? Check.

New memories being made in the kitchen and around the table? Check.

It’s your time to shine and step-up, dad.

Hi 👋 I’m Mister Branzino. And I’m a Dad Cook and home cook of 21 years.

As a Dad Cook, we believe that:

  • It’s a dad’s job to provide and protect. And the BEST DADS lead their families from the kitchen
  • Happy tummies make happy families
  • Dinner time is sacred
  • 2 hours per week is all it takes to save your family and feed your family for life
  • Meals can be easy to make, healthy, inexpensive and kid-friendly

You fired up to become a Dad Cook too?

Here’s how I can help.

I put together a 7-day program called Meal Machine OS. This is my entire operating system for how I cook meals for my family in under 2 hrs per week. In less time than it takes to watch Dumb & Dumber, you’ll be able to cook meals for your family.

If you want more support, we have a community called the Dad Cook Crew. We cook LIVE once a month, get meal plan and recipe ideas curated by yours truly, and share our progress on our Dad Cook journey.

Oh and I also write about my Dad Cook journey as well as share Dad Cook tips, tricks and recipes on my YouTube channel.

It's time to make family dinners great again, take pride in serving our families, and show love that only a homemade meal can create.


Mister Branzino